2016 I Love Fall TAG!

It’s TIME! My favorite season is upon us, and I’ve already been enjoying it SO much!  I tag everyone! I love these type posts & especially all things fall!

Happy Fall Y’all!

1.)  Bath and Body Works candles or Yankee candles?

Bath and Body Works! Fall candles are the best no matter where they are from.. but B&BW has some of my all time favs: Here are my top 3!

  1. SWEATER WEATHER. OK stocking up on this and burning it year round. By far my favorite candle scent EVER. It’s so crisp & clean and makes the ENTIRE house smell good.
  2. Marshmallow Fireside. Yum. Smells like marshmallow-y outdoors.
  3. Flannel. My Fiance loves this one the most! It’s got a cologne smell, but not too over powering. Just the right amount of cuddly goodness.

2.)  Fav fall accessory?

These booties! Snatched them up for $27.99 at TJMaxx & been wearing them constantly since the weather has gotten cooler. I LOVE booties for fall.


3.) Uggs or Moccasins?

I’ve never owned either.. but probably the slipper type moccasins.

4.) Fuzzy socks or knee socks?


5.) North Face or Columbia?

North Face.

6.)  Favorite Fall food?

Soooo many.  Comfort food wise I love stuffing and mashed potatoes.. for sweets I love apple crisp & pumpkin pie!

7.)  Red or Pink lips?

Pink/nude. I never have worn red lips before!

8.) Winged eyeliner or bold eyeshadow?

Bold eyeshadow. Darker browns & maroons are fun in the fall!

9.) Apple pie or brownies?

Apple CRISP. With vanilla ice cream ❤

10.) Would you rather cook the food or eat it?

I’m not a good cook.. so I’m going with eat it. However, in the fall I do get the itch now and then to make semi-homemade goodies 🙂


Home Decor Favorites; Rustic + Cozy: Gratitude Challenge Week 4

Hello! This week’s 8 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge! is a fun one!

Week 4: Your home

Home decor is my guilty pleasure. Since moving into my own home back in February I’ve gone a little nuts in the decor department. I just love the feeling of a clean, well decorated home! I can’t be alone on this one!

I feel very fortunate, blessed, and proud of myself for buying my own home at the age of 22. My fiance and I worked our butts off and reached our goal together. When we moved in I knew exactly what “feel” I was going for. Rustic, but classic. Chic, but quirky. And above all COMFORTABLE! So I’m going to share some of my favorite pieces and tips I’ve accumulated over the past 7 months to make your home cozy!

Some of my favorite stores are Home Goods, At Home, Kirkland’s and Walmart. I’ll have links at the bottom if I can find them. Enjoy!

Craving Cozy?! Here are some tips I’ve picked up. 

  • Pillows, Pillows, more pillows. Don’t be afraid to mix & match patterns.
  • Throw blankets. I’m a blanket addict. Blankets give a comforting vibe.
  • Mini-Succulents. Add some green! I love these mini succulents to add a little natural element to your home.
  • Personal pictures. Decorate with your life! Show off some of your favorite memories. Personal pictures make your house feel more like a home.
  • Monograms/Letters. I think these are so cute. It puts a personal touch on things but in a classy way. I have numerous “R’s” in my house 🙂
  • CANDLES. This is a must. Making the room smell nice with a candle is always cozy and inviting.
  • Natural light. I LOVE natural light. I try not to have the bulbs on as much as I can. For one you’ll save on that electric bill $$$$ and for two it gives a softer, more calming vibe. Nothing I hate more than florescent lights!

IMG_5098IMG_5101IMG_5100IMG_5106ladderliving room

Some of my favorites:

Sauder Cottage Road TV Stand Walmart

Throw Blankets and Pillows – At Home (they have every color pillow you can imagine)

Faux Mini- Succulents Mine are from target but you can find these everywhere now!

Join in on the 8 Week Challenge!

Week 1: Why start this challenge?

Week 2: Your spouse/significant other

Week 3: Someone who inspires you

Week 4: Your home

Week 5: Your heritage

Week 6: Music you love

Week 7: Something you created

Week 8: Did this challenge change you?

What are your favorite cozy pieces and favorite home decor stores? I love new ideas!

Fall Obsessions.








Ahhhhh.. Fall! This fall has been one for the books. I can’t believe its already October 18th! Fall time is much too short in Minnesota, and it flys by because its my favorite time of year. So much to do! Seems like every weekend lately we’ve been up to something fall related. Pumpkin patches, apple orchards, baking goodies, and of course fall SHOPPING! I found this fun fall tag & thought it would be fun to share! What are your favorite things about fall?

1. Favorite Fall lip product? I’ve never been a huge lip product person, or just makeup in general, but I absolutely can’t live without my cherry carmex! 
2. Favorite Fall Nail Polish? I am terrible at painting my own nails, therefore I get them done every two weeks & leave it to the professionals. I’ve been gravitating towards maroons, dark purples and greys. 
3. Favorite Starbucks Fall Drink? Hands down, salted caramel mocha. To die for.
4. Favorite Fall Candle?
 Bath and Body Works Marshmallow Fireside. Ahhhh so good!
5. Favorite Fall Scarf or accessory? I love big bulky sweater scarves. 
6. Haunted house, haunted hay ride, or haunted corn maze?
 Hay ride! 
7. Favorite Halloween movie? Hocus Pocus. However, I love watching fall decor shows lately.
8. Favorite candy to eat on Halloween? Reeses! YUM
9. What are you dressing up as for Halloween?!
 I’ve never been a huge halloween person to be honest. I more enjoy other fall activities. So this year I’m not dressing up. We plan on laying low, baking some goodies, maybe do a few fun crafts/DIY’s and popping in a movie! Perfect to me!
10. What is your Favorite thing about Fall? EVERYTHING! The scents, the beautiful leaves, the cool air, the fashion. All of it.