Clearwater, FL + Beach Essentials!

Hi friends! Today I wanted to share some pictures from our spontaneous little trip down to Clearwater Beach, Florida. My husband is currently in between jobs and had this week off before starting on Monday the 28th. SO being my impulsive self.. I decided it would be a good time to take a spontaneous trip to Florida. We’ve been calling it our “mini-moon” since our BIG honeymoon will be in April to Italy!

This trip we did nothing but relax, which is exactly what the goal was. We drank a lot of coffee, laid in the sun, caught up on some reading, and wandered around all the fun little shops in Clearwater. It was a great little trip! I wanted to not only share some of the pictures we took from the trip, but also some of by top beach essentials. These also include some of my absolute favorites right now so it’s kind of a two-in-one 🙂

Hope you enjoy! xo


  1. JBL Charge + Speaker – Gotta have tunes!
  2. The Lumineers’ new album “Cleopatra” is amazing. I listened to it non-stop on the airplane & at the beach. It such good chill and relaxing music.
  3. Water! Been loving flavored sparkling water lately.
  4. Reading material! I spent so much time reading this trip & it was so nice! I’m currently reading “The Power of Patience” By M.J Ryan > buy it HERE. I highly recommend it. It’s changing my attitude on life completely. One of my favorite quotes from the book so far: “Remember that everything has a season.. stop pushing for life to be different than it is. Winter takes as long as it takes, but it ends-and so does summer. That’s the law of nature.
  5. Some shade! I really like wearing a hat at the beach. Especially when reading! Sometimes sunglasses just don’t cut it.
  6. ALOE! Keep that skin moisturized! I love this Fruit Of The Earth 100% Aloe.
  7. Carmex, because duh. Best chapstick in my opinion! + Has SPF to protect your lips!


CHRISTMAS Decor Haul! Plaid+Rustic Style

YOU GUYS! Today is November 19th. Which means only 35 days until CHRISTMAS. Can you believe it? I can’t. We finally have snow in MN. This is actually really late for us! Usually we have a few inches around Halloween! It snowed pretty good on Friday night and I was instantly wanting to decorate! So much fun.


I moved into my own house with my husband in February; SO that means I had to get all my own Christmas decor! I was seriously so excited to pick everything out. Almost everything I got was from Hobby Lobby besides the tree (the obsession is real). 

I was looking all over Pinterest for some design inspo and came across so much plaid. And I absolutely fell in love. So my theme is what I like to call “Plaid+Rustic” You will see a lot of plaid materials, pine-cones, frosted snow, burlap, & natural elements 🙂

Hope you enjoy!!




Fall Weekend OOTD!

Hello! It’s only Saturday night, but I had quite an eventful Thursday & Friday, SO I’m calling that my weekend 🙂 I wanted to share an OOTD with you all! This was Thursday night. My sisters, mom & I road tripped up to northern MN to watch our favorite country artist Kip Moore play. It was amazing as always. If you haven’t heard of him PLEASE check him out. He’s beyonddddd talented and just an overall genuine, humble guy.

Friday night we headed back to Minneapolis, and went to his concert there as well! (we are obsessed.. yes.) We were lucky enough to go onto his tour bus with him and listen to his new album coming out in the spring (still convinced it was a dream). 

Outfit deets:

Off-the shoulder cream top: Forever21

Dark Denim: American Eagle

Necklace & Earrings: Target

Boots: Tj Maxx


Concert pictures:


Home Decor Favorites; Rustic + Cozy: Gratitude Challenge Week 4

Hello! This week’s 8 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge! is a fun one!

Week 4: Your home

Home decor is my guilty pleasure. Since moving into my own home back in February I’ve gone a little nuts in the decor department. I just love the feeling of a clean, well decorated home! I can’t be alone on this one!

I feel very fortunate, blessed, and proud of myself for buying my own home at the age of 22. My fiance and I worked our butts off and reached our goal together. When we moved in I knew exactly what “feel” I was going for. Rustic, but classic. Chic, but quirky. And above all COMFORTABLE! So I’m going to share some of my favorite pieces and tips I’ve accumulated over the past 7 months to make your home cozy!

Some of my favorite stores are Home Goods, At Home, Kirkland’s and Walmart. I’ll have links at the bottom if I can find them. Enjoy!

Craving Cozy?! Here are some tips I’ve picked up. 

  • Pillows, Pillows, more pillows. Don’t be afraid to mix & match patterns.
  • Throw blankets. I’m a blanket addict. Blankets give a comforting vibe.
  • Mini-Succulents. Add some green! I love these mini succulents to add a little natural element to your home.
  • Personal pictures. Decorate with your life! Show off some of your favorite memories. Personal pictures make your house feel more like a home.
  • Monograms/Letters. I think these are so cute. It puts a personal touch on things but in a classy way. I have numerous “R’s” in my house 🙂
  • CANDLES. This is a must. Making the room smell nice with a candle is always cozy and inviting.
  • Natural light. I LOVE natural light. I try not to have the bulbs on as much as I can. For one you’ll save on that electric bill $$$$ and for two it gives a softer, more calming vibe. Nothing I hate more than florescent lights!

IMG_5098IMG_5101IMG_5100IMG_5106ladderliving room

Some of my favorites:

Sauder Cottage Road TV Stand Walmart

Throw Blankets and Pillows – At Home (they have every color pillow you can imagine)

Faux Mini- Succulents Mine are from target but you can find these everywhere now!

Join in on the 8 Week Challenge!

Week 1: Why start this challenge?

Week 2: Your spouse/significant other

Week 3: Someone who inspires you

Week 4: Your home

Week 5: Your heritage

Week 6: Music you love

Week 7: Something you created

Week 8: Did this challenge change you?

What are your favorite cozy pieces and favorite home decor stores? I love new ideas!