CHRISTMAS Decor Haul! Plaid+Rustic Style

YOU GUYS! Today is November 19th. Which means only 35 days until CHRISTMAS. Can you believe it? I can’t. We finally have snow in MN. This is actually really late for us! Usually we have a few inches around Halloween! It snowed pretty good on Friday night and I was instantly wanting to decorate! So much fun.


I moved into my own house with my husband in February; SO that means I had to get all my own Christmas decor! I was seriously so excited to pick everything out. Almost everything I got was from Hobby Lobby besides the tree (the obsession is real). 

I was looking all over Pinterest for some design inspo and came across so much plaid. And I absolutely fell in love. So my theme is what I like to call “Plaid+Rustic” You will see a lot of plaid materials, pine-cones, frosted snow, burlap, & natural elements 🙂

Hope you enjoy!!




HOW TO: De-Stress Naturally With Tea + Supplements!

Hi friends! This week has been longgggg. & It’s only Tuesday. Anyone else feel like this week is just dragging?!

I wanted to share something a little different today! Let me know if you like these type of posts 🙂 Lately I’ve incorporated some new supplements into my everyday routine & I wanted to share my experience with them!


So I found this drink by researching TMJ treatments. I struggle pretty badly with TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) which is essentially major pain in my jaw, head, neck and back. It’s caused by a slipping disk where your ear and jaw connect. It also gets more irritated from clenching my jaw & grinding while I sleep which leads to really stiff and achy muscles. It’s seriously the worst thing ever… 😦 Anyway.. I was looking up some natural remedies and found out that Magnesium deficiency can really irritate TMJ. It then led me to this wonderful little drink & I’m so glad I ordered it. I was a bit skeptical because I hadn’t really tried any natural remedies yet for my TMJ. This comes in powder form & I like to mix it with 16 oz of cold water & some ice, however it says you can mix it with hot water as well. It tastes just like raspberry lemonade & I honestly feel amazing benefits when I drink it.

  • Calms Nerves & Anxiety.
  • Helps With Digestion
  • Relieves Muscle Aches and Spasms. (This is a big one!!)
  • Regulates Levels of Calcium, Potassium and Sodium.
  • Prevents Migraine Headaches. (Also very helpful! I struggle with headaches almost everyday)
  • Helps Prevent Osteoporosis (Healthy bones!)

I think this would have benefits even for people that don’t suffer from TMJ. I definitely feel more relaxed after drinking this. Not to mention I’m getting a dose of vitamins! I also sometimes throw in 250 mg of pill form Magnesium (below) 


I also wanted to throw in a few of my favorite teas. I’ve been more into tea lately which makes me happy! It’s definitely an acquired taste… but my goal is to someday move completely from coffee to tea! (wish me luck..haha) 

The Lipton Acai Dragonfruit Melon Green Tea is one of my favs. It’s super sweet by itself so I don’t need to add any sweetener to it. Everyone knows the amazing benefits of green tea! Add some acai & dragonfruit melon to it & it’s even better!

I also love the Biegelow I Love Lemon Tea. This one also tastes really good all by itself. I’ve been struggling with stomach aches lately and this really helps settle an upset stomach. Highly recommend!

The Yogi Skin Detox Tea is a good one if you like a strong tea flavor. I must admit it’s a little too floral tasting for me, but I know it has great benefits. I’ve tried it iced and added a sugar free crystal light lemonade packet to it, and it’s yummy!

No matter the flavor of tea, I always feel more calm & de-stressed when I sip on a hot tea in a cute mug ❤




The Best Day Ever.

HI FRIENDS! I’m back! & I’m a wife!

I’m still playing catch up after the long & crazy eventful wedding weekend, but I wanted to post a sneak peak of our day ❤ I will share more pictures in a bigger post; but enjoy this sneak peak for now 🙂

It was the most magical day of my entire life. We were both amazed with how great everything turned out and I truly couldn’t have asked for a better day. I feel incredibly blessed.



2016 I Love Fall TAG!

It’s TIME! My favorite season is upon us, and I’ve already been enjoying it SO much!  I tag everyone! I love these type posts & especially all things fall!

Happy Fall Y’all!

1.)  Bath and Body Works candles or Yankee candles?

Bath and Body Works! Fall candles are the best no matter where they are from.. but B&BW has some of my all time favs: Here are my top 3!

  1. SWEATER WEATHER. OK stocking up on this and burning it year round. By far my favorite candle scent EVER. It’s so crisp & clean and makes the ENTIRE house smell good.
  2. Marshmallow Fireside. Yum. Smells like marshmallow-y outdoors.
  3. Flannel. My Fiance loves this one the most! It’s got a cologne smell, but not too over powering. Just the right amount of cuddly goodness.

2.)  Fav fall accessory?

These booties! Snatched them up for $27.99 at TJMaxx & been wearing them constantly since the weather has gotten cooler. I LOVE booties for fall.


3.) Uggs or Moccasins?

I’ve never owned either.. but probably the slipper type moccasins.

4.) Fuzzy socks or knee socks?


5.) North Face or Columbia?

North Face.

6.)  Favorite Fall food?

Soooo many.  Comfort food wise I love stuffing and mashed potatoes.. for sweets I love apple crisp & pumpkin pie!

7.)  Red or Pink lips?

Pink/nude. I never have worn red lips before!

8.) Winged eyeliner or bold eyeshadow?

Bold eyeshadow. Darker browns & maroons are fun in the fall!

9.) Apple pie or brownies?

Apple CRISP. With vanilla ice cream ❤

10.) Would you rather cook the food or eat it?

I’m not a good cook.. so I’m going with eat it. However, in the fall I do get the itch now and then to make semi-homemade goodies 🙂


Home Decor Favorites; Rustic + Cozy: Gratitude Challenge Week 4

Hello! This week’s 8 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge! is a fun one!

Week 4: Your home

Home decor is my guilty pleasure. Since moving into my own home back in February I’ve gone a little nuts in the decor department. I just love the feeling of a clean, well decorated home! I can’t be alone on this one!

I feel very fortunate, blessed, and proud of myself for buying my own home at the age of 22. My fiance and I worked our butts off and reached our goal together. When we moved in I knew exactly what “feel” I was going for. Rustic, but classic. Chic, but quirky. And above all COMFORTABLE! So I’m going to share some of my favorite pieces and tips I’ve accumulated over the past 7 months to make your home cozy!

Some of my favorite stores are Home Goods, At Home, Kirkland’s and Walmart. I’ll have links at the bottom if I can find them. Enjoy!

Craving Cozy?! Here are some tips I’ve picked up. 

  • Pillows, Pillows, more pillows. Don’t be afraid to mix & match patterns.
  • Throw blankets. I’m a blanket addict. Blankets give a comforting vibe.
  • Mini-Succulents. Add some green! I love these mini succulents to add a little natural element to your home.
  • Personal pictures. Decorate with your life! Show off some of your favorite memories. Personal pictures make your house feel more like a home.
  • Monograms/Letters. I think these are so cute. It puts a personal touch on things but in a classy way. I have numerous “R’s” in my house 🙂
  • CANDLES. This is a must. Making the room smell nice with a candle is always cozy and inviting.
  • Natural light. I LOVE natural light. I try not to have the bulbs on as much as I can. For one you’ll save on that electric bill $$$$ and for two it gives a softer, more calming vibe. Nothing I hate more than florescent lights!

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Some of my favorites:

Sauder Cottage Road TV Stand Walmart

Throw Blankets and Pillows – At Home (they have every color pillow you can imagine)

Faux Mini- Succulents Mine are from target but you can find these everywhere now!

Join in on the 8 Week Challenge!

Week 1: Why start this challenge?

Week 2: Your spouse/significant other

Week 3: Someone who inspires you

Week 4: Your home

Week 5: Your heritage

Week 6: Music you love

Week 7: Something you created

Week 8: Did this challenge change you?

What are your favorite cozy pieces and favorite home decor stores? I love new ideas!

8 Weeks of Gratitude Challenge

ecca60_bd548215404e4af4a3ea1d1370be5ca2.jpgI might be a bit over optimistic thinking I can fully commit to 8 weeks of this challenge. BUT I AM GOING TO TRY! 🙂 I think these questions are really great to not only get me into blogging more.. but really focusing on one of my goals which is to be a more positve, happy person. I would LOVE for you to join in on this yourselves, or even join in once in awhile in the comments. Each week I will answer a different question/prompt.

Week 1: Why start this challenge?

Week 2: Your spouse/significant other

Week 3: Someone who inspires you

Week 4: Your home

Week 5: Your heritage

Week 6: Music you love

Week 7: Something you created

Week 8: Did this challenge change you?


Week 1: Why start this challenge? 

As I kind of “restart” this blog I wanted to start with a more positive mind. This has been a goal of mine for a LONG time. I see myself making some progress.. but it’s still so easy to get caught up in the “bad” things. SO I thought this would be a fun way to not only get into writing on here more, but force myself to focus on the GOOD. 

Lets talk wedding planning for example. For the past 6 months wedding planning has been in full swing. DIY’s, lists upon lists, timelines, food tastings, venue meetings… the list goes on. It’s been so much fun, but I also find myself feeling like it’s a chore sometimes which is sad.. because this should be the HAPPIEST times of my life. I ran across a quote that changed my perspective.

“People will not remember Pinterest crafts, or your bouquet of flowers.  They will remember the sparkle in your eyes, the smiles shared, and the way you glow with excitement.  There is no possible way to please everyone, accommodate everyone’s needs, nor ensure perfection.  What you can control is to truly enjoy the process, let those little things go, and enjoy those little moments licking envelopes with your fiance.”

I’m so lucky my fiance is so loving and understanding through the process. He is constantly telling me everything will work out and to remember that this day is about our love.. not the minor details. With that being said I’m going to start sharing some of the fun decor, and DIY’s I’ve done so far. I’ve found a new love for making chalkboard signs and I’m excited to share! 🙂 Stay tuned!





25 Days Of Christmas!

This year I’m joining in on 25 Days of Christmas! It’s a fun way to share your favorites about this time of year 🙂 Lately I’ve been very stressed and overwhelmed and just not into the “holiday spirit” but now that it’s officially December 1st, I’m forcing myself to snap out of it! I’m hoping this will also help me dedicate more time to my blog, because I really do enjoy it! So, I’m not promising I will post everyday up until Christmas, but I am promising that when I do post (I’m aiming for 3-4 times a week) there will be something Christmas related! I’m excited so start spreading the holiday cheer! I’m starting out with answering the question “What are you most excited for this Christmas?”

Welllllll… a lot of things! I have a few fun holiday dinners planned with old friends that I don’t see as much as I’d like to which I’m super excited about, as well as family get togethers which are always my favorite. Especially since we have a baby in the family now, I want to soak up all the time I can get with him! ❤ Of course I’m veryyy excited for the FOOD. Thanksgiving and Christmas food and desserts are the best! I’m hoping to do a little baking of my own this year. I’m also super pumped about my year end break at work coming up December 24-January 4th. Talk about some much needed relaxation time! I plan to sleep a lot, get some things done that I’ve been putting off like clean out my closet, and organize my makeup, and hopefully start house hunting! I already have a few New Years resolutions in mind, can’t wait to share them 🙂

Sorry about the long text-post.. if you read that all, kudos! 😉 Here’s a picture of my nephew to make you smile, because I know he sure makes me smile! He’s so dang cute and snuggly, I cant stand it!

Happy Monday!


What I’m Loving Wednesday! #WILW

Hi friends! Hope everyone is having a good week! It’s Wednesday! Meaning not only do we only have two more days ’till the weekend, but it’s #WILW! I’m hoping to get into the swing of doing this every week. It’s a great way to break up a long week by focusing on what you are LOVING! Hope you enjoy 🙂

Morning SunrisesI leave my house for work at 7:00am and since daylight savings, every morning has had a BEAUTIFUL sunrise as i’m leaving. Honestly, it makes getting up for work a lot easier. I find myself excited to leave the house to see what the sunrise looks like on that morning. Sooo beautiful, no filters on this picture!IMG_2643

Memories. I guess this one is more what I’m thankful for. I’m thankful for memories. One of my favorite quotes is “Collect moments, not things” Do you ever have those moments where you stop and think “I’m going to look back on this and smile.” That’s how I try to live as much as I can. One specific memory I always look back on was just this past July. Everett and I went camping together in a tiny-in the middle of no-where-have ZERO service-there’s probably a bear next to our tent right now-city called Bigfork, MN.. population a whopping 445. It was amazing. We fell even more in love that trip and every time I think back, I smile. We paddle boarded for the first time (SO fun by the way, you have to try it if you haven’t), We did a TON of fishing & I caught my first bass which was SO exhilarating, we laughed for a good 10 minutes about how I struggled to reel him in, and yes I made Everett take him off the hook.. I’m still too much of a wuss. It was such a simple trip, but one of my favorites we’ve ever taken together.  IMG_1730

Isn’t he so handsome?! (the human, not the fish)

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Ahhh I can’t wait until next summer. We will definitely be visiting again, Bigfork! What are you loving this Wednesday?! Wishing you all a great rest of the week!


November Lovin’ + Saturday!

Ahhh I adore November. This year I am even more excited about the holidays. November and December are the best 2 months of the year in my opinion! This first week of November has been really good to me. The weather has been perfect here in Minnesota, & surprisingly we haven’t had our first snowfall yet! Sometimes it falls as early as mid-October! The first snowfall is always exciting.  I received some AWESOME news yesterday, my boyfriend Everett FINALLY got a great job after searching since we graduated college in June. This means we can start looking at houses and get a place together! Ahhhh the thought of decorating my OWN space and being able to spend every day with the love of my life is so exciting. Things really do happen for a reason all in the right timing. I’m surprising him tonight and taking him out to a nice dinner at CRAVE at the Mall of America. They have really good sushi and pasta, I can’t wait! Here’s a little snapshot at my lazy & beautiful Saturday morning.

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 Too early for Christmas mugs? Nah.
image2 (4)This book. If you are looking for a new book I highly suggest this one! This is the second book in the series, so start with the 1st one titled “Me Before You” by Jojo Moyes. They are soooo good! The perfect combo of love, drama, and it is very relatable and keeps you interested! HAPPY WEEKEND! Wishing you everything this quote says! 🙂 201767b3e04aa858f0e7faaf69a0e3da